Leg Vinyl auf!
Der PLX-500 ist genau so aufgebaut wie der Profi-Plattenspieler PLX-1000 und produziert einen warmen, klaren Analogsound. Der perfekte Turntable, um im Club Vinyl aufzulegen oder zuhause deine Plattensammlung zu genießen.
Dieser solide gebaute Plattenspieler mit drehmomentstarkem Direktantrieb verfügt über eine exzellente Vibrationsdämpfung und bietet eine hochpräzise Audiowiedergabe. Über den USB-Anschluss kannst du deine Schallplattensammlung mit unserer kostenlosen Musikmanagement-Software rekordbox digitalisieren. Und du kannst den PLX-500 auch mit dem rekordbox dvs Plus Pack, einem kompatiblen Mixer und dem Control-Vinyl RB-VS1-K einsetzen, um digitale Audiodateien abzuspielen und mit ihnen zu scratchen.
Ausgezeichnete Audioneigenschaften
Genau wie der Profi-Turntable PLX-1000 ist auch der PLX-500 für einen warmen und klaren Vinylsound ausgelegt. Der kürzestmögliche Signalweg von der Nadel bis zu den Ausgängen und die exzellente Vibrationsdämpfung sorgen für eine hochpräzise Audiowiedergabe mit geringsten Verzerrungen.
Einfaches Digitalisieren
Digitalisiere deine Vinylsammlung in hoher Qualität, indem du den USB-Ausgang deines PLX-500 einfach an deinen Mac oder PC anschließt.
Elegantes DJ-ing
Mixe und scratche deine Vinyls mit dem PLX-500 oder kombiniere den Turntable mit rekordbox dvs, einem kompatiblen DJ-Mixer und dem Control-Vinyl RB-VS1-K, um deine digitalen Audiodateien abzuspielen und mit Ihnen zu scratchen.
Stelle das Cover der gerade aufliegenden Scheibe einfach in die Haltenasen der Staubschutzhaube, damit jeder sehen kann, was gerade läuft.
Wähle deine Farbe
Der PLX-500 ist in Schwarz oder Weiß erhältlich, damit er zu deinem Equipment oder zu deiner Einrichtung passt.
Sofort loslegen
Dieser Plattenspieler bringt gleich alles Zubehör mit, das du brauchst: Eine Staubschutzhaube mit Haltenasen für Plattencover, eine Slipmat und einen Tonkopfträger PC-HS01-S in der Silver Edition (inklusive Cartridge und Nadel).
45 rpm
78 rpm
Line: 150 mV/1 kHz
The power does not turn on.
1. Is the power cord connected correctly? Connect the power cord to a power outlet. Refer to “Connections” in the Operating Instructions for details.
2. Is the [POWER] switch set to [ON]? Set the [POWER] switch to [ON].
There is no sound, or the volume is very low.
1. Are the audio cables connected correctly? Set the PHONO/LINE switches correctly to match the input terminals to which devices are connected. Refer to “Connections” in the Operating Instructions for details.
2. Are the terminals or plugs dirty? Wipe off the dirt from the terminals and plugs before connecting them. Wipe off the dirt from the headshell and tone arm connection points before connecting.
3. Is the headshell attached correctly? Connect the headshell correctly. Refer to “Before you start” in the Operating Instructions for details.
The needle skips when I perform scratching.
Possible reasons could be as follows.
1. The tone arm and cartridge are not connected correctly.
- Refer to the Operating Instructions for information on how to connect.
2. The tone arm and needle pressure are not adjusted correctly.
- Refer to the adjustment methods detailed in the Operating Instructions, and adjust the settings so that they are appropriate to the needle being used.
3. The record is dirty, scratched, or worn.
- Clean records with a dedicated cleaner, and use records that are in good condition as much as possible.
4. The tip of the needle is worn or broken.
- Replace the needle with a new one.
5. The product is inclined.
- To the extent possible, use the product in a horizontal location where it is not affected by external vibrations.
Additionally, the insulators can be turned to make minor adjustments to move the unit to the horizontal.
The tone arm moves, even though anti-skating is set to 0.
This is the efficiency of this unit. When adjusting needle pressure, adjust positioning so that the tone arm is balanced when still.
The TEMPO slider value does not match the actual rotation speed.
The TEMPO slider value is approximate. Please use it as a guide when adjusting the tempo.
I cannot record in rekordbox.
Please check the following.
(1) Is “USB REC” displayed in the recording source selection window of the rekordbox REC panel?
If not displayed: The computer has not recognized the device. Check if the USB cable is connected correctly to the computer.
(2) When playing a record, does the level meter on the rekordbox REC panel move?
If the level meter does not operate, or if the meter does not move: The recording level may be set low. Use the recording adjustment knob to set an appropriate recording level.
Strobe pattern does not stop even when the TEMPO slider is set to 0 when playing at 45 rpm.
The pattern display due to the strobe illuminator is an approximate display. For a 50 Hz power supply, and when set to 45 rpm, the pattern does not stop completely. This is in accordance with product specifications.
The volume is high (distortion)
Is the audio cable connected correctly? Set the PHONO/LINE switch to match the input terminals that devices are connected. Refer to “Connections” in the Operating Instructions for details.
Noise is generated in output sound
If a USB cable and audio cable from the unit are each used to connect to a different peripheral device and then those two peripheral devices are additionally connected together with a USB cable or other cable, noise may be generated in the output sound because the cables will form a loop.
In that case, disconnect any cable that is unnecessary depending on the purpose.